Let's Celebrate Summer Learning Day

Summer Learning Day is July 13, 2017. Are you ready? According to the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA), “Summer learning is a key solution to closing academic and opportunity gaps that plague many communities across the country.”


NSLA wants “all children and youth have access to high-quality summer learning experiences to help them succeed in college, career and life.” If teachers and parents want students to come back to school rested without losing any information taught in the previous grade, it’s important to review academic content at home over the summer.

Summer is a time of great inequity for young people. Over the summer many young people and their families lose access to critical supports that keep them safe, healthy, and engaged in learning. The summer ‘opportunity gap’ contributes to gaps in achievement that persist and widen over time, particularly for low-income students.

National Summer Learning Association offers research on various topics as well as summer learning tips for teachers and parents. NSLA also provides a wide variety of summer activity ideas for parents.


ActivEd understands that continuing learning over the summer is key to a productive school year. As a result, Walkabouts were designed to be available to Pre-K to second grade students both at school and at home. If students have a computer and an internet connection, they can complete Walkabouts at home!

In order for students to have access at home, teachers must set up accounts so students can use Walkabouts during the summer. Then, parents and children can log in; play web-based language arts, math, and reading lessons; and print Walksheets. Walksheets (worksheets with a movement component) can be used to review skills covered in the previous grade or to preview the grade ahead, if applicable.

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